Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fiction or Non-fiction

Hello! I am seriously hating that I am taking almost a week between blog posts, but life has been crazy! Worked this past weekend at my part-time gig, Payton had her first soccer game (y'all, I died laughing! So cute and funny to watch kids run around or just stand, puzzled looking at the ball). Brooklyn has decided she will not be content in the evenings until 11:30 pm, unless she is being held. Love baby snuggles, but I'm also a huge fan of sleep! The other two don't care if their new baby sister has me up during the night, they will be ready for breakfast by 7:00 am, sometimes earlier. 

 I put dinner in the crockpot Saturday morning before I left to take Brooklyn to her 2 month check up. (She is a healthy 12 pounds 12 ounces and 24 inches long. All kinds of neck rolls and double chins. Perfectly squishy!) After her shots were administered, we loaded up and headed to the soccer field to watch Payton play. Then I left Damien with all 3 girls at the field to head to "work". (kudos to him for that! Because I woulda been like um, not happening!!) So, as I am driving home from my "getaway" on Saturday evening, I was thinking about how I was leaving my part-time job to go home to my full-time job. That's right, being a mom is a full-time job and it is the hardest job I have ever had. Fortunately, the rewards are pretty outstanding! For those mommies who have full-time jobs outside the home and come home to yet another full-time job, you AMAZE me!

So, we have a praise and worship CD that we received while visiting a church here in the St. Louis area that we listen to in the van quite regularly. They are all covers of very popular Christian songs that you'd hear on the radio. For a long time, The Happy Song was Payton's favorite on the CD, but more recently, she has been favoring Cannons (originally by Phil Wickham). I sometimes catch a glimpse of her in the rearview mirror belting out the words. She even sometimes closes her eyes. It is such a sweet, sweet sound to hear her sing about the love of Jesus! Yesterday on the way home from school, after Cannons had played, the next song came on. She was listening to the lyrics and the asked, "Mom, what does 'conquered the grave' mean?" I the proceeded to explain to her that conquer means to beat something, or to win and the reason the song is saying Jesus conquered the grave is because he didn't stay dead, he rose again, therefore, beating the grave or death. 

Oh, her little mind, still so pure. She then says to me, "Mom, I know why some people don't love Jesus and God. It's because they think the Bible is fiction, but we know that the Bible is non-fiction." If I do nothing else in this life, I want my girls to know that God loves them so much, that he sent his ONLY Son to die, that we can live forever with him. The Bible is full of stories that are so unreal, they might be hard to believe, but my little chatter-box of a 5 year old already knows that Book is indeed fact, not fiction. 

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