Monday, March 3, 2014

Dear Monday, I don't hate you as much as I used to

Well, today school here was cancelled, AGAIN! Icy roads create unsafe conditions for children to be transported to school, I get it. On Mondays, I look forward to taking my beautiful, chatty Payton to school, because since Thursday of the previous week, she has been at home, with me, making my ears bleed. No break for me today!

Payton was an only child for 3 and a half years and she sometimes still has that only child mentality. You know, "I get what want, when I want, how I want". I understand not all single child families produce a complete brat, but it is much more reasonable to be at their beckon call when there is only one of them. So, not only does Paytie still have a smidge of only child syndrome, she is also extremely stubborn (like her Daddy), always has to be right (like her Daddy), she knows how to push my buttons (like her Daddy) and is a smart-a (like her Daddy). Okay, so there are some unfortunate qualities that she got from me as well. I too, am stubborn and I also know how to complain (which she got from me). Don't worry, you will most likely never hear me complain because I save it for my family. ;) In all honesty, the reason she and I butt heads so much is most likely because, she indeed, is too much like her mama.

Despite the unfortunate news, we were going to have a great day. I get to stay at home with my three sweet and precious girls! There is no rushing out of the house to get Payton to school and the four of us can hang out in our jammies all day long. Why should I complain? You're right, I shouldn't.

For the record, Payton was a complete angel today. She played with Mallori and they laughed so hard together. It warms my heart to watch them love on each other. I know from having 2 sisters of my own that they will be the best of friends one day.

So, after the girls had breakfast, I decided to make some "fat flush water". I just started working out last week (7 weeks after Brooklyn arrived) and I'm nursing, so my water intake needs to be up there. I have been doing okay with drinking a ton of H2O, but let's be real, the taste of water gets BORING! This is an alternative and it has some added bonuses of aiding in weight loss. It includes, cucumber, grapefruit, tangerine and mint. Kim Lyons (personal trainer) introduced this concoction on The Biggest Loser.
This is where you can find information on "fat flush water"

After making my water, I decided to stay in the kitchen to make some coffee cake muffins. Yes, counterintuitive with the water, but I wanted to bake something and I love a good muffin in the morning! I used a recipe I found on Pinterest (surprise!) and you won't here any complaints from me. Are you craving coffee cake yet? Check out the picture....
It is truly embarrassing how many of those things I ate today. So, I decided to get dressed in my work out gear and make the fact I gorged on muffins okay. I've also been doing Pinterest workout until I can convince my husband to buy me T25. We did Insanity after Mallori was born, but I don't have time for that with 3 kiddos, 2 of them under the age of 2...

I am thinking this regimen will work well for a little while at least. Maybe if I continue this and my fat flush water and lay off the muffins.....haha! I am finishing off my magnificent Monday posting on here and enjoying a nice glass of Cabernet. I will leave you with a picture of my beautiful princesses (the 2 that can stand up anyway).

Snow White and Aurora
(by the way, these are the best dress up dresses EVER! they aren't "itchy" and they won't fall apart in the wash. you can get them and other princesses here)

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